Category: Awards

Nasser Abufarha
2017 One World Award

NASSER ABUFARHA FROM PALESTINE OWA WINNER Sep 2017 Nasser Abufarha was born in the farming village of Al Jalama. In the United States, he concluded

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2015 Paltrade Agriculture Award

إختتم مركز التجارة الفلسطيني بالتريد يوم الإثنين الموافق 12/12/2016 حفل جائزة  ّمُصَدِر فلسطين للعام 2016 تحت رعاية دولة رئيس الوزراء الدكتور رامي الحمد الله وحضور

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2015 Green Company Award

GREEN COMPANY AWARD in the 2015 The Green Awards are awarded by the José Navarro Foundation in Spain, and reward people and entities that with

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2013 National Citizenship Award

NASSER WINS NATIONAL CITIZENSHIP AWARD March 1, 2013 By: Denise Shoukas This company challenges the social, political and economic isolation Palestinians face by creating an

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“2012 Rumi Olive Oil Award at Biofach” is locked 2012 Rumi Olive Oil Award at Biofach
2012 Rumi Olive Oil Award at Biofach

Canaan Fair Trade won a Recognition Award at the BioFach 2012 in Nuremberg, Germany. The company seeks to sustain the livelihood of Palestinian producer communities

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